The 10 Best Songs of 2016

The past year in music included great songs from legendary artists, current superstars and up-and-coming musicians ready to make an impact. In a year of upheaval leading to an uncertain future, the songs of 2016 were filled with protest, sadness, and personal statements. As much of a downer as all of that sounds, the biggest […]

The Most Overlooked Albums of 2016

What music deserved more attention from fans and critics in 2016? Catch up on what you missed. Every year, there are thousands of recordings released by artists on various platforms. The sheer volume of recorded music from every genre is daunting for even the most resilient music fan, so unfortunately some albums or songs get […]

The 10 Best Albums of 2016

A difficult year with the loss of many beloved, legendary artists still managed to provide some excellent music to remember. The past year in music can be summed up pretty easily in one word, death. So many musical greats have died in the last 12 months that the joke about god assembling a super-group got […]

La La Land beautifully portrays magic of following dreams, and price which comes with it

[link_box id=”36688″ site_id=”1″ layout=”link-box-third” alignment=”alignright”]Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone make beautiful music together in La La Land, the results of which are magical and surprising. Musicals often seem like an outdated, goofy way of telling a story that Hollywood insists on trying to bring back every few years. Though Chicago winning the Academy Award for […]

Alien: Covenant, Ridley Scott bring back the horror in first trailer

Christmas Eve seems like a curious time to release an anticipated movie trailer. Though many people will be going to the movies on Christmas, so it’s a good time to promote a film to big audiences. (And there is some precedent, with Disney releasing the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Thanksgiving 2014.) […]

Passengers is a disappointment not even Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt can save

Despite its two stars, Passengers is one of the biggest disappointments of the holiday movie season. [link_box id=”36688″ site_id=”1″ layout=”link-box-third” alignment=”alignright”]Warning: Important parts of the story that are spoilers are discussed in this review. Spoilers are clearly marked, so they can be avoided while reading the rest of this review. But if you don’t think […]

The Emoji Movie is happening, and this teaser trailer proves it

There will be an Emoji movie. And yes, that emoji you’re thinking of is in it. Following the success of 2014’s The LEGO Movie, rival movie studios were wondering what other toys and fads they could turn into animated content to peddle to the masses. For instance, we got The Angry Birds Movie earlier this […]
